Thursday, February 9, 2012

Are we missing the point?

Luke 12:5-21

I read this passage again the other day and a startling image came into my this a picture of what our churches can become?  Is this a warning to the church about what happens when God provides an abundance in the harvest (people) and we start centering our thoughts on how to keep the harvest instead of using the harvest for the intent it was given?  Instead of allowing a portion of the harvest to be used in other context outside of our own "barns" churchwalls and sending it out to meet then needs of others.  Instead we take that harvest God has provided and we say to ourselves, lets tear down this barn and build a bigger barn so that we can keep our harvest for our enjoyment and use.

As I read further down in the chapter, I see a great promise from Jesus what Happens when we keep our focus on Him and His Kingdom and not our ourselves.

Luke 12:31-34

He has promised us that the Father will give us the Kingdom if our treasure is with Him and not the things in this world.

We are accountable to what God has given us, as individuals and as churches.

see Luke 12:47-48.

I think there is a great warning in this set of scripture and also the answer to the warning with a promise.

My point is this, as God blesses us with people who come to trust in Him and desire to follow Him...lets pray that He will raise them up to send them out from our churchwalls and send them into context that He can further use them for His glory.  Lets not hoard up the harvest for ourselves and our own enjoyment, but pray that as He blesses our crops He will send them out so that those who are in this world who have no harvest among them will benefit from the gracious harvest God has provided to us for His glory.

Possesions, people, our lives.  They all belong to Him.

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