Wednesday, July 25, 2012

We will see His face

I am just blown away by an Old Testament story today found in 2 Samuel 14.  This story of a son and father being restored.

Overview:  Absalom is King David's son.  Amnon is also King David's son, and Amnon desired his sister Tamar, he plotted to take advantage of his sister and he raped his sister because of his own evil desires.  Absalom loved his sister and saught to revenge his sister's honor.  So he plotted to have his brother Amnon killed and he acheieved his goal.  Then Absalom fled from the presence of the King because of his sin.  And the King longed to go to Absalom.  After 3 years, a dear friend of the king, Joab,  knew he longed for His son, so he devised a plan to interceded on behalf of Absalom so that the King would allow Absalom to return home.  Joab had a wise women go to the King with a story about her sons who had gotten into a fight and one killed the other and now the people were wanting her other son to be killed.  She was pleading with the King to give her son pardon from his sin so that he would not be accountable for the death of her other son.  The King listened to her appeal and he issued the order that no harm was to come to her son...the King was giving a full pardon to the son.  As she spoke this story to the King, she reminded him that he is the one with the sons and she was pleading on behalf of Absalom for the same pardon the King was going to issue for her son.  The King realized it was his friend Joab that had sent this woman to speak with him...and the Kings listened and issued the order for His son Absalom to come back....but the twist is, he was not allowed to see the Kings face.  After a period of time Absalom desired to go to his father, the King, he understood that without the presence of the King then His pardon was useless.  What he needed was restoration in his relationship with His father.  Absalom stated, if I am guilty let him put me to death. (Absalom understood that he had been pardoned for his sin, so he no longer was facing judgement for that sin).  So Absalom went before the King, He bowed down with his face to the ground before the king....and then.....The King kissed Absalom.

Do you see the story of redemption, grace, mercy, forgiveness, love and worship.  It is our story....we have all sinned against our Father, we have all ran away from the presence of our Father, our Father & King longed to be with us....Jesus interceded on our behalf, He took the guilt and punishment for our sin, we have been fully pardoned and brought into the family of God our Father....but like Absalom, without the presence of God, without knowing I will see His face and fall down and worship Him and to be embraced by Him as my Father....then the pardon would be useless.  But I know that someday, I will see my Fathers Face...Revelation 22:4 assures me of that and someday my Father will wipe away every tear from my eye...and I will be with Him always, forever in His presence...never to be apart again.

And the King kissed Absalom........2 Samuel 14:33.

by His grace for His glory

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